Simply Macros Coaching Monthly Subscription

$35.00 every month

To save 15%, check out the 6 month subscription package.

Simply macros is just that—a stripped down, very budget friendly version of coaching for clients who want to level up their nutrition through tracking macros.

▶︎ Simply Macros includes:

A subscription to Trainerize app. Trainerize app syncs with MyFitnessPall, Apple Watch, Fitbit, & Withings.

Initial 1:1 consultation
to discuss goals, barriers to progress (15 minutes)
This is an intro call to get to know each other.

Being honest & open is super important in a client-coach relationship, & this intro call will help establish a starting point & help me gather the information needed to create a solid path forward.

  • Monthly optional 1:1 coaching call (15 minutes)
    The purpose of monthly calls is to touch base in real time. This will help keep you motivated & accountable, but more importantly, give you an opportunity to ask questions.

    You will keep track of your progress through the Trainerize app (no additional cost to use the app—app comes with coaching package) where both you & I can track specific biofeedback, & your progress will be reviewed during these monthly chats.

  • Personalized nutrition plan (including macro/calorie targets)

    Nutrition plan will be based on feedback & goals of initial consultation & can be modified on a monthly basis.

  • Weekly check-in’s via the Trainerize App. You will do a quick daily check-in on the app to record data.

More info:

This subscription allows you access to your client portal via the Trainerize app where you will do daily & weekly nutrition check-ins. Things like calories, macros, sleep, weight, steps & other biomarkers will be tracked.

MyFitnessPal app is recommended to be used in conjunction with this option as MFP can be synced with the Trainerize app so you don’t have to double input data. Client will have to pay for their own subscription to MFP.

Trainerize also syncs with Apple Watch, Fitbit, & Withings—to further save time & get results faster.

Weight can be tracked daily or weekly. Progress photos need to be uploaded monthly.

Macros/calories will be determined based on your specific needs & goals & will be adjusted as needed on a monthly basis.

Also includes access to nutrition handouts & resources in resource library.

This option is a great for individuals seeking greater accountability & want guidance & help with macros/calories in order to lose weight &/or have greater clarity with their overall nutrition through macro counting.

Intro coaching call (15 min.) to establish baseline & one FREE 15 min. coaching call per month (client must set up the appointment with me, not the other way around ;)).

Simply macro clients also get free access to any monthly group Q+A zoom calls (dates/times TBD) when I start offering those.

This package does not include fitness coaching.

You can cancel at any time, but no refunds will be given for current month that you have already paid for.

Note: Only recommended for clients seeking to count macros/calories. You should also be willing to take progress photos &/or weigh yourself. If you’re looking to lose weight through other methods (food log, 50/50 plate, etc.) &/or you don’t want to take progress photos or weigh yourself, basic or premium coaching would be a better option for you.

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