Do you only work with moms?

My area of expertise are all things pregnancy & postpartum related.

So I LOVE working with moms, especially new moms. But, I’m certainly happy to work with any body who has a desire to make some awesome lifestyle changes.

The principles of fat loss, fitness, & a healthy lifestyle apply to EVERYONE.

How does online coaching work?

I use Trainerize coaching software (includes an app) that enables me to have my own secure portal to work with clients. You will be able to log into the app daily to record biomarkers that will help track progress & make adjustments. This is also where you will be able to message me & see notes from me as well. You will be able to upload weekly progress photos, measurements, as well as see your training & nutrition programs.

You will also have full access to my resource library which includes videos, handouts, & other resources to help you along in your fitness & health journey.

What are your certifications?

Yoga Alliance RYT® 200

I am certified as a personal trainer& certified nutrition coach through National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

I completed my 200-hr yoga teacher training & certification through 3B Yoga in Provo, UT & am a Yoga Alliance RYT® 200. I am certified to teach yoga, specializing in ashtanga vinyasa yoga.

What makes you qualified to be a coach?

I have nearly two decades experience as a mom, in fitness. Whether teaching group fitness classes, or working on my own personal fitness, it has been a consistent passion of mine.

Over the years I have taught cooking & fitness classes, coached individuals on the side, as well as written several ebooks on weight loss, recipes, & meal planning.

I made the decision to go into coaching as a formal business when I realized that I have some unique skills & perspectives to offer.

Most women I know of in the fitness industry don’t have 8 children & have a dozen+ years of breastfeeding experience.

Combined with my knowledge of nutrition/cooking & weight loss, I am excited to share with clients what I’ve learned!

I am interested in coaching but not sure if I should do basic or premium.

Please see my coaching page for a thorough breakdown of the differences in both services. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions—use “Coaching question” in the subject line.

What fat loss results can I expect to see when working with a coach?

Your results will be directly correlated to the amount of effort you put into it. Clients who are motivated will be able to make whatever lifestyle changes they are committed to making.

Fat loss, under great, non-fad diet circumstances, should never be more than an average of 1-2 pounds a week.

Most people are on the lower end (sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️). But if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you could lose more than that in the first stage of your weight loss journey.

How soon will I begin receiving coaching services after susbscribing?

I will be in touch within 24-48 hours to schedule our first consultation 🙌.

Where are you located?

Currently, Tokyo, Japan.

Do you only work with clients who live in your time zone?

Because I do all of my coaching online via Trainerize as well via technology (FaceTime, Zoom, WhatsApp), I can work with virtually anyone, anywhere in the world. We may have to do some creative maneuvering to figure out our real time coaching calls, but it’s doable for most folks!

What sort of time commitment will be expected when working with you?

For basic coaching clients, I will be touching bases with you less in real time, but for both basic & premium clients, weekly check-in’s will happen via my online coaching portal.

You will be logging into your account daily to track whatever items we have decided for you to track. Accurate tracking will help give us good, accurate data—I will be able give you better feedback & you will get better results!

Clients are expected to be partners—engaged in problem solving, having a commitment to consistency & doing your best. This will include tracking nutrition & your training (as applicable).

I don’t want to track calories but I want to lose weight. Can you still help me?

There are definitely ways you can lose weight & improve your diet & nutrition, without tracking in the traditional sense.

I have personally used various methods that don’t require calorie counting at different times in my various weight loss journeys. These can be looked as possible options for clients who don’t want to track calories/macros.

I follow a _______ plantbased diet. Can you help me?

Absolutely! If there is a classic plantbased book or cookbook out there, chances are, I have read it & tried it. I am familiar with most of the variations on a plantbased diet.

I want to still eat meat & dairy. Can you still work with me?


The principles of weight loss can be applied to both meat eaters & non-eaters alike. I will encourage you to try & incorporate more plantbased foods though ☺️. The one thing I cannot help you with is a keto or Atkin’s style diet—you’d be better suited to finding someone you has lots of experience with those diets (& that’s NOT me 😆).

I want to track macros. Can you help me with that?

YES! Having the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, & proteins is huge. And can be very helpful for losing weight. I recommend doing my Simply Macros program in conjunction with using MyFitnessPal for best results.

How many weeks postpartum do I have to be to work with you?

I recommend starting the weight loss process 4-8+ weeks (even longer depending on recovery &/or any preexisting medical conditions). You should always be cleared by your medical professional before resuming exercise postpartum.

I am currently pregnant, can I still work with you?

Yes! However, fat loss would obviously NOT be the current goal. But I can help with fitness training & nutritional coaching.