Secret #3: Write it down!

Secret #3 to becoming fueled + fit: write it down.

{Download my FREE 5 secrets cheatsheet printable (+ bonuses)}

I’m going to tell you a secret–something that has helped me achieve many of my goals over the years & it’s this: when you write your goals down, they are MUCH much more likely to happen.

You've got goals, dreams, desires. Don't ignore them--write it down!

There is power in putting pen to paper & being specific & intentional with what you want & how you're going to get there.

Get a notebook, a journal-doesn't matter--& WRITE your goals down.

I can't stress enough the importance of just doing it.

Don't worry about having the perfect journal or system for writing down your dreams & goals.

(Have you ever heard of the paper napkin entrepeneur?)

It's in the action we find clarity. So act now & write your goals down.

This, & secret #4 (I'll share in next post), are so simple that people just dismiss it.

It's free, it's not sexy or complicated enough (somehow the more complicated, the more it must work, right??) so it's not worth our time. WRONG.

Journaling not only to write down goals, but also to keep track of gratitude, blessings, & miracles in your life will help you achieve greater peace of mind, clarity & sense of purpose ✨

I’m talking, pen to paper (phones are nice for keeping notes, but goals deserve a good ol’ pen + paper session).

I don’t know what it is, but there is something powerful about the act of writing something down.

Ask any highly successful individual what they do to make things happen in their life & I guarantee you most if not all, will have some sort of system for making & tracking goals.

Here’s the thing: I want you to get fit, to eat well, & have those two things be SUPER rock solid in your life…because your lifestyle & how you care for your body truly do transfer over to all other facets of your life.

BUT if I were to tell you, I just want you to exercise X number of minutes every day & eat only these foods, I would be missing the point entirely. And so would you.

Exercise & diet are not just a means to an end (greater energy, health, & quality of life), they also provide value in the moment.

I want you to begin to look at these holistically & see them as a parts of a greater whole. You don’t just do these things because “you have to, or else you’re going to get heart disease” (fear based”), the goal is do them because they are a natural outgrowth of a desire to live your best, most vibrant life.

So what are your health, fitness, & lifestyle goals? Have you written them down?

👉 Challenge:
Take a moment TODAY & write down 3 specific lifestyle related goals & share them with a friend.

Janae Wise

Janae Wise is a NASM-CPT CNC (Certified Personal Trainer & Certified Nutrition Coach), Yoga Alliance RYT® 200, mom of 8, & military wife. She specializes in pre & postnatal fitness & enjoys helping moms get strong & find balance through self-care.

Secret #2: move your beautiful body!